Past Pupils



Members of the Past Pupils Association will…
• Remain actively connected to your Villa friends and classmates
• Be sent our glossy magazine, VMail
• Be the first to know about our Alumnae events and reunions
• Be eligible for discounts to Past Pupil events
• Be personally invited to attend College events
• Be part of supporting your Past Pupils’ Association so that we can continue to grow the community of Mercy women.

Annual Subscriptions are $50
Lifetime Subscriptions are $200

Please note that if you were present at Villa Maria College from 2016 onwards and your student levy was paid, you will already be a member and payment will not be required. If you are unsure if the student levy was paid, get in touch with our alumnae co-ordinator at


• Credit Card: Complete the Membership form and follow the instructions
• Bank: Villa Maria College – ASB –12-3147-0230728-00
• Cheques to be made out to Villa Maria College
• Eftpos available at the College Office
Contact the Villa Office on 03 348 4165


Vmail is all about connecting Mercy women – sharing stories of our Villa Alumnae, current students, and the College. It’s one way all Villa past pupils can keep in touch, reminisce and celebrate our wonderful College.

This is the annual publication of the Villa Maria College Past Pupils’ Association and is emailed or posted to all members of the PPA.

Mercy Grant

The Villa Maria College PPA would like to call for applications for the 2024 Mercy Grant. The Grant is awarded to one past student each year who is undertaking extraordinary work or study that aligns with Villa’s Mercy values. The successful applicant will be awarded $2,000. Applicants must fill out the cover sheet below and submit a brief written application of no more than two pages indicating the nature of their study/work, and the potential outcomes of such work/study. All applications must be submitted by 4pm on 20 October, 2024.

Grant Information
Application Cover Sheet
Please send any questions and/or applications to: Villa’s Alumnae Coordinator, Finbar Adams at

Meet a previous recipient – Catherine Sivertsen Campbell

Catherine’s story

What has poverty got to do with children’s language development? Well, as it turns out, quite a bit.
Meet Catherine Sivertsen Campbell, a Villa past pupil, and this year’s recipient of the PPA Mercy Grant. Catherine attended Villa from 1989 to 1993, and went on to become a Speech Language Therapist.
“Ever since my first Mercy Day at Villa, where I was encouraged to hang out with a non-verbal disabled child in a wheelchair, I have found joy in my work as a Speech Language Therapist, frequently working closely with the poor, the disadvantaged and those on the fringes of New Zealand society,” explains Catherine.
“Language is a taonga, a treasure, it is how we make sense of our world and our place within it, it is inseparable from our thinking skills, and as the foundation for all literacy and learning, language has become the currency of education. Of all the neuro cognitive domains, language is also the most susceptible to poverty. Unfortunately, it is also the easiest to ignore. Language delay is not visible, it’s not immediately obvious and as a result, it is frequently overlooked. It’s so easy to turn a blind eye to poverty in our country and the devastating impact it has on language development and education.”
UNICEF NZ reports that in 2017, 27% of children in New Zealand were living in poverty. UNICEF defines poverty as “children being deprived of the material, spiritual and emotional resources needed to survive, develop and thrive.” Catherine identifies language as one of these resources.
“Research tells us that children from low socioeconomic homes typically hear far fewer words, have fewer words spoken to them, have lower quality interactions and have less rich and diverse conversational experiences than those children from wealthier backgrounds.”
“Children in New Zealand are increasingly starting school with low levels of oral language and communication skills. This can result in behaviours that are not conducive to learning. This has far reaching consequences for future learning, future earning potential, future health status and future quality of life outcomes,” adds Catherine.
Catherine works for a charity organisation providing intervention in early childhood centres where poverty abounds. Her role is to work with these children and their language development.
“These experiences as a Speech Language Therapist lead me to discover that New Zealand has no data on how our young children acquire language, especially in low socioeconomic communities. Without knowledge and data, it is difficult to affect change at higher governmental levels,” she said.
“This prompted me to call on my Mercy background and the Villa motto of Prize What is of Value, and I feel compelled to do more. This year I am studying towards a Master of Science in Child Language Sciences, which includes a thesis on Child Language Development across low socioeconomic communities within New Zealand.”
The PPA Mercy Grant will assist Catherine with her University fees. The desired outcome from her Masters thesis is to shed light on the plight of thousands of young children who are growing up in poverty, and build a detailed data source for government to act upon – therefore creating meaningful change in our society and for the outcomes of our children.
“Being a Mercy woman means not turning away from those who need our help, particularly those close to home, in our own communities, no matter how uncomfortable we might feel. Mercy means helping the invisible become visible and bringing light to those hidden in the shadows.”

Vmail is all about connecting Mercy women – sharing stories of our Villa Alumnae, current students, and the College. It’s one way all Villa past pupils can keep in touch, reminisce and celebrate our wonderful College.

This is the annual publication of the Villa Maria College Past Pupils’ Association and is emailed or posted to all members of the PPA.

PPA Committee

President – Nicola Anthony (Cantwell)
Treasurer – Rachel McAuley
Secretary – Finbar Adams
Committee Members:
Deborah Brosnahan
Rachael Lyon
Kathleen Gallagher
Mikaela Hood
Mary Lynch
Eadaoin Roughan
Dawn Willetts
Talia Wirepa Katie Rasmussen Ella Lynch

Address for Correspondence
Past Pupils’ Association
Villa Maria College
21 Peer Street
Christchurch 8041
New Zealand


We are delighted to inform you that the brand new College Film, “Spirit of Mercy, Ngā Wāhine Atawhai, Villa Maria’s First 100 Years” is now available online to watch at no cost.
This film is a very special project that past pupil Kathleen Gallagher has lovingly crafted. It takes the original College film that was released at the time of Villa’s 90th birthday, and reinvents it to showcase Villa’s first 100 years – a proud moment in the history of the College. The film features the Sisters of Mercy – the very foundation of our College – as well as many staff, students and members of the Villa community.
Spirit of Mercy – Villa Maria’s first 100 years, Ngā Wāhine Atawhai