Dear Parents and Friends of Villa Maria College
Come along and support your daughters and the College! Keep an eye out on the Villa Connect newsletter or the Villa Maria College PTA Facebook page for meeting notices. We would love to see some new faces, with new ideas and enthusiasm. Mums, Dads, and guardians are very welcome. We need representatives from all year levels but particularly the Intermediate school, and Year 9 -11 parents. You can be as involved as you wish to be, or just attend meetings and offer ideas, it’s completely over to you.
Being on the PTA gives you the opportunity to:
- Meet other parents
- Be involved in providing pastoral care to families at school that may be going through difficult times
- Provide feedback to the school in an informal setting
- Be involved/consulted in decision-making around extra amenities that the school may need
- Organise education/information evenings for parents
- Help College staff with hospitality at school events
- Be involved with fundraising activities, and help decide where that money is best spent.
Over the last two years, our activities have been curtailed significantly by Covid disruptions, however, we were able to hold a very successful Fashion evening last year which was a great social event as well as raising funds for the purchase of new sunshades at the College.
We were also able to assist several families through our Pastoral Care Fund, and with practical support such as Meal Trains etc.
Hopefully, this year will allow us to hold more events without the threat of lockdowns. Come and join this enthusiastic and welcoming group of parents, we would love to meet you!
P.S. If you would like to help out but are unable to join the Committee, then please become a Friend of the PTA by completing the following link.
Who to contact
Email the PTA here: villamariachchpta@gmail.com
The PTA meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm in the College meeting room; or if you’d prefer to skip the meetings but still want to help on occasion, become a Friend of the PTA.
About Our PTA
Oprah Winfrey says: “The essential question is not, “How busy are you?” but “What are you busy at?” And that pretty much sums up the friendly band of parents who work behind the scenes to support Villa Maria College.
Building the Villa community
Our aim is to build a community feeling among parents by organising opportunities for us to get together. It’s often hard to feel connected to your child’s school once they hit these teenage years. We’d love to break down those barriers and create a community of committed Villa parents.
We don’t set ridiculous targets and we’re always seeking ways to fundraise smarter, not harder – we know how busy every parent is! We fundraise for specific things that will directly impact the girls’ educational experiences.
The PTA has helped Villa pay for:
Five sunscreen dispensers are located around the College for students to use
House Flags for the whole school to utilise at various events
The school swimming pool upgrade – a much-loved part of the College
Curtains for the Hall
Year 8 Graduation party
Year 13 Common Room gear
Centenary History Book project
Last Hurrah student event to celebrate the end of the year
Contribution to student welfare needs
Click here to download the Chairperson’s report for the 2022 PTA AGM.