Learning Support
Learning Support
What we do
The Learning Support Department co-ordinates specialty services for individual students or for small groups as appropriate.
- Teacher aide assistance
- Academic assessments
- Learning profiles
- Links with community agencies
- Special Assessment Conditions
- Reader/writer services
- Individual educational programmes
- Peer tutoring
- Correspondence lessons
- Alternative senior courses
- Individual and small group tuition
- Gifted and Talented opportunities
- To identify and provide support for students with special education needs.
- To identify and remove barriers to their learning for students with special education needs.
- To work in partnership with parents/caregivers to identify and overcome barriers to learning.
- To foster positive relationships between students with special educational needs and other students especially through Religious Education and Peer Support Programmes.
Special Assessment Conditions
Students with specific assessment conditions are usually those with confirmed learning differences such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or dysgraphia. It is not always necessary to have a formal psychologist’s report to qualify. SAC’s are also available for students with other issues such as significant vision, hearing, physical or medical needs.
Applications for NCEA must be made by the end of Term 1 each year. If your daughter is in Year 7-10, it is a good idea for her to start trialing specific learning conditions so that she can evaluate which ones may work best for her needs. Please contact me if you think your daughter may qualify or if you would like to discuss any of this information.
Contact Us
For any inquiries, please contact:
Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO): Anna Avery aav@villa.school.nz
Acting Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator: Sarah Kirk ski@villa.school.nz