Charges and Contributions
Our fee structure
Each year the Board of Trustees and the Proprietors set the fees for the following 12 months. Because Villa Maria is an integrated school, the Government only covers 60% of the College’s costs. That leaves a significant shortfall for us to meet and this is why we are so reliant on our wonderful community who faithfully pay their fees and contributions (outlined below).
We are continually striving to provide the best educational facilities and opportunities for our girls within our budget.
While planning for our future, we are also conscious of the responsibilities we have to carefully maintain our current facilities.
We can assure you that our fees remain very comparable to other Catholic Colleges in Christchurch.
We know that Villa provides a fantastic Catholic education for your girls and that together we can achieve both educational excellence and fit-for-purpose facilities.
The fee structure for 2025 will be available soon.
How to pay
Some families find it useful to spread the cost over the year, by creating a weekly direct credit. We suggest crediting $50 per week into the College Account. Simply set up your AP into our bank account: Villa Maria College – ASB –12-3147-0230728-00
You can also pay directly into the above bank account or pop into the Main Office and pay by EFTPOS or credit card
Remember to use your eldest current student’s surname and initial as the reference when you pay online.
Mā te Atua tātou e manaaki, e tiaki
May God bless and protect us